Bring exciting technology and boundless expertise to continuously evolve and improve customer-focused products and services
Wipro is transforming the world of Travel & Transportation through the use of powerful and exciting technology. Our clients differentiate themselves before their guests and customers using our radical design thinking from Designit, Big Data analytics through Opera SignalHub, our cognitive computing platform Wipro HOLMESTM and NextGen Travel & Transportation products. What we produce is a unique blend of design, business thinking, process management and technology to deliver outstanding customer experiences.
Automation and digitization are changing the business world as we know it, offering tremendous potential and benefits to businesses and end consumers. Additionally, with increased exposure to newer technologies, the end consumer is becoming more and more price conscious. This is in turn putting pressure on service providers in the service supply chain to remain competitive and deliver maximum value with reduced prices.
T&L players need to reposition their supply chain networks to enhance visibility, enable digital operations, support customers with new offerings and delivery models, and ensure safe logistics operations to cope with the changes in the new normal
Disruptions like new entrants, changing customer expectations, and new technologies are creating new challenges and new opportunities for revenue generation and growth. To stay relevant and ahead in the game, logistics players have to develop new models and offerings for the market
The Travel industry’s growth over the last two decades has led to the corresponding growth of the Hospitality industry, a now $600 Billion global industry that directly and indirectly employs 250 million people. However, the recent COVID-19 outbreak is having a devastating impact on the world, leaving the travel and hospitality industries reeling from its repercussions.
The boom in e-commerce
and the increasing shift
towards technologies
such as Internet of Things, Cloud
and Analytics are impacting
logistics operations of
manufacturers, retailers and
consumer good companies in a
big way
Bill Martin, Chief Information Officer, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. explains how technology is opening new doors for companies in the travel and hospitality industry to engage with customers, increase revenues and streamline processes.