Listen in as Nico Capitoni, Wipro Cybersecurity and Risk Services practice lead for Switzerland, and Gomeet Pant, ABB Group VP and Global IS Manager for Security Technology Services, discuss top cybersecurity trends, including the evolving regulatory landscape and the latest cloud security innovations. 

Nico and Gomeet explore the critical role of AI in enhancing security measures to protect organizations from disruptive cyber attacks. They also discuss strategies to overcome the cyber skills gap, such as keeping top talent engaged through personalized approaches that meet individual needs.

About the speaker

Gomeet Pant

Gomeet Pant is a Group VP and Global IS Manager for Security Technology Services at ABB with 19 years of experience in IT, ITES, insurance, financial services, energy, mining, electrification and automation. He has transformed IT infrastructures for a number of companies headquartered in the US, Europe, Africa and Indian subcontinents. 

About the host 

Nicolas Capitoni

Nicolas Capitoni leads Wipro Cybersecurity and Risk services practice in Switzerland. He is a cybersecurity professional with 15+ years of experience in consulting, advisory and managed services. Nicolas is responsible for Go-To-Market and strategic relationships with CISOs of global organizations.