Wipro Juniper Networks is a global leader in AI networking, cloud and connected security solutions. Wipro works with Juniper’s best-in-class client-to-cloud networking infrastructure to deliver faster, more reliable network performance that transforms how people connect.

Wipro leverages Juniper’s flagship AI/ML-driven Mist solution to address key issues for enterprises such as reducing deployment time and operational costs, enhancing user experience and client support. Other joint solutions boost performance across wired and wireless LAN, SDWAN, AIOps, secured Wi-Fi and software-defined data centers.

After more than 12 years as partners, Wipro enjoys the highest level of partnership with Juniper and is one of the company’s top 5 global system integrators. Wipro has more than 250 trained and certified Juniper professionals and is continuously building its competencies in Juniper solutions.

Partner Level

GSI Level Partner


From client to cloud, with network and data center modernization

Partner Award

2023 Partner of the Year - Worldwide GSI emerging



Secure Network Access

Ensure seamless user experience across devices (IoT) and elements.


Secured Wi-Fi

Securely manage the entire network from the cloud using Juniper Mist and Juniper Marvis.


NetBox Branch in a Box

Satisfy the complex needs of remote users with a virtualized branch networks solution.


Software-Defined Data Center

Maintain a high-performing, reliable and secure DC network for on-demand connectivity.

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