
Back in February of 2022, the Wipro executive board was discussing ways to attract and retain top talent, when a member of the board mentioned that a younger relative recently had to decide between two competitive job offers. What sealed the deal, they said, was that one company offered employees Mac devices to use while the other did not. 

Apple has a reputation for making devices that are easy to use and troubleshoot, with processors that are more energy efficient than competitors out of the box. Wipro’s executive committee agreed that expanding the use of Mac devices throughout the company would likely help Wipro achieve many of its business ambitions, including attracting top talent, saving time for IT staff, and prioritizing energy efficiency.

The committee made this focus part Wipro’s digital transformation, being led by Wipro CIO Anup Purohit, who was searching for opportunities to enhance the various tools, systems, and processes that make up Wipro’s IT. 


Wipro recognized that a comprehensive Mac adoption program would require engagement with various stakeholders throughout the organization to understand their needs and devise a strategy that would address them completely. The CISO team wanted to be sure that all threat vectors would be addressed, while the CFO team needed proof that switching to Apple devices made economic sense, increasing efficiency and reducing costs. 

Wipro worked closely with Apple throughout the transition to offer clear solutions to stakeholder concerns and develop a strategy that aligned with the various needs of the business. Wipro’s Apple Practice and Apple security specialists, for example, took time to demonstrate how the native security tools of macOS compared to Windows, and outline best practices for integration to ensure Wipro achieves the highest quality security. Apple also helped address other concerns throughout the transition such as validating technical configurations, communicating with executives and mapping logistics for device distribution. 

Ambitions Realized

Increased employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention

The Mac@Wipro program provided new hires with state-of-the-art Mac laptops and paved the way for other employees to choose their own devices. New hires responded well to seeing Mac devices in their welcome kits, posting unboxing videos to social media to share the excitement. 

The Mac devices are easy to set up, making onboarding a breeze. They also tend to have fewer technical issues because the hardware and software are built together. When issues do arise, Wipro’s dedicated Mac@Wipro support team makes it easier for new hires to resolve those issues quickly. The Mac@Wipro team reported fewer support calls relating to Mac devices — about one fifth the number relating to Windows devices — and greater overall satisfaction from employees using Mac. 

Reduced energy consumption

The initiative also aligned with Wipro’s environmental ambitions by working to reduce energy consumption, lower electricity bills, and create a more environmentally friendly office. Apple's latest processors are designed with energy efficiency in mind, consuming less power during operation due to smart power-management features. Wipro’s previous standard Windows laptop produced an average of 365 kgs of CO2 emissions per year. An Apple MacBook Air M1 produces an average of 161 kgs of CO2 emissions per year. That 204 kg difference applied across the thousands of devices Wipro switched to Mac eliminates 27,865,890 kg  of CO2 emissions per year — about the same as reducing 3.1 million gallons of gasoline CO2 emissions . 

“Wipro has pledged to reduce its emissions by 55% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2040,” Anup Purohit said. “The M1 chip in Mac helps us in reaching our goals by greatly reducing our energy consumption.”

Reduced deployment costs

With Apple's ecosystem, Wipro simplified and centralized its approach to provisioning, configuring, and maintaining devices. Apple Business Manager (ABM) and Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions allowed Mac@Wipro to automate device setup, configuration, and software deployment. This streamlined process reduced the time and effort required, resulting in a reduction of over 75,000 hours for the IT staff.