The 15th annual International Air Transport (IATA) World Cargo Symposium (WCS) is coming to London in September. This conference is the largest, most prestigious air cargo event. And this year, it will be highly interactive. Symposium events feature plenary sessions, specialized streams, workshops and an executive summit. The sessions will tackle various aspects of Technology and Innovation, Security and Customs, Cargo Operations and Sustainability.
The event will bring together senior global airline decision makers – CXO, CIO, CTO, Directors and Senior managers – in the cargo business to influence the future development of the air cargo industry.
Wipro is a strategic partner of the IATA – a trade association of the world's airlines – and is proud to be a part of this symposium, showcasing its air cargo capabilities through the agile, unified, future-ready air cargo management platform CROAMIS.
Wipro will showcase its:
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