How secure is your medical device network?

The connected Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is providing precise, consistent, and barrier-free healthcare services to patients. A typical hospital IoT network includes surgical robots, remote ventilators, smart blood glucose monitors, infusion pumps, MRI and CT scanners, and much more.

Because these medical devices hold sensitive personal health information (PHI) that is transmitted over the internet, all IoMT networks also present serious cybersecurity challenges. 

High-profile cyberattacks routinely aim to compromise PHI. Without proper governance, malicious actions like ransomware, email phishing, and data exfiltration can cripple critical operations for two weeks or more and compromise sensitive patient information, leading to HIPAA violations and deep reputation damage.

According to Gartner® “Many healthcare delivery organization (HDO) CIOs and chief information security officers (CISOs) do not have an up-to-date, complete, and accurate inventory of the medical devices within their enterprises, undermining efforts to thwart continuous security threats.”*

Wipro’s AI-powered risk assessment program 

Most IoMT data breaches can be traced back to four factors:

  • Static credentials  
  • Outdated and vulnerable firmware 
  • Non-compliant devices 
  • Weak patch management deployments 

Wipro’s AI-powered 5-day IoMT security risk assessment program provides a rapid understanding of your IoMT landscape and the associated cyber-risks, then creates a proven remediation roadmap to secure your medical devices.

During this program, our cybersecurity experts–Cybersecurists–will assess your IoMT environment with an AI-powered risk assessment tool to discover managed and unmanaged IoMT devices and identify default credentials and risk profiles. 

Based on the assessment report, we design a customized remediation roadmap to harden your IoMT security posture. We will also activate detection and response mechanisms to ensure that your medical device network is remains cyber resilient in the future.

AI-powered risk assessment

Quick understanding of asset landscape

Secure PHI data boundaries

Assessment program benefits

  • Immediate and complete visibility into managed and unmanaged IoMT devices within the healthcare environment
  • Comprehensive assessment of IoMT device risk posture, including weak credentials, out-of-date firmware, EOL assets, and expired certifications
  • Granular and accurate vulnerability assessment   
  • Vulnerability remediation with the click of a button
  • Proactive credential hardening actions, including changing default passwords and enabling scheduled rotations to limit password lifespans
*Gartner, Market Guide for Medical Device Security Solutions, By Gregg Pessin, 3 April 2023

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