Our Expertise

Reduce offer-time-to-market, order-cycle-time and time-to-revenue, while increasing operational efficiency and delivering a modern digital experience.

Wipro RAPIDSTM DXP is a comprehensive end-to-end platform designed and developed for new age telecom services. The platform includes a set of ready to deploy use cases covering latest and next-gen services like 5G, SDWAN and IoT. It is hosted on the Cloud, covers ‘concept-to-cash-to-care’ scenarios of B2X customers and enables ‘BSS-As-A-Service’ offering. The platform covers the functional aspects of marketplace, digital customer on-boarding, customer offer design, order capture, order delivery, customer management along with customer billing care and video bill capabilities.

What We Think

Brochure: Wipro RAPIDS DXP

Create immersive customer experience