Simplify the number porting process, enable information and value exchange between operators

Wipro provides a next-generation solution to manage the number portability process for CSPs through a blockchain-based distributed database solution that removes intermediaries. The solution is built using enterprise- permissioned blockchain, open source technologies and open APIs, and is designed to run on cloud .

Our innovative solution enables faster porting process - reducing the turnaround time from days to hours, enabling secured exchange of customer information and cost saving pertaining to routing and intermediaries. It also facilitates financial settlements like unused prepaid balances and unbilled amount between operators, helps enforce regulatory compliances and ensures transparency of the porting process to operators, regulators as well as users.

Using our solution, operators can transform their number portability operations by reducing costs, enhancing customers’ porting experience and complying with regulations.

What We Think

Brochure: Number Portability over Enterprise Blockchain

Manage the Number Porting Processes for CSPs using Blockchain