Our Expertise

Leverage automation-as-a-service, Lean telco, shared services, analytics, and other advanced technologies for exponential improvement in efficiency and accuracy

The emergence of Cloud, SDN, NFV, 4G, 5G, IoT and other digital services introduces higher level of complexity, demanding a shift from traditional operations to a more agile, open, and real-time based digital operations. Wipro’s Agile Operations takes into consideration some core capabilities required to address this journey, such as:

  • Assessing the maturity of operations
  • Enabling automation-as-a-service to achieve unified IT and network Operations
  • Ability to leverage analytics for real-time Insights
  • Lean and standardization to maximize shared services
  • Integrated service management to achieve cross domain correlation and convergence

Wipro’s AI Platform - HOLMESTM  helps develop intelligent and context aware enterprise solutions for agile, efficient and automated operations through technologies like NLP, machine learning, deep learning and knowledge extraction. Clients using our AI platforms and automation technologies gain, among other advantages, a 30-50% cycle time improvement with 35% cost takeout and a 90% improvement in accuracy of resolution of business services. 


AI in Telecom | ADM Solutions

Game changing automation