Our Expertise

Leverage AI platforms, automation, machine learning, and other advanced technologies for exponential improvement in efficiency and accuracy

Communication Service Providers (CSPs) rising to the challenge posed by OTT players and other competitors use Wipro’s ADM and Hyper Automation practice to create digital and sustainable responses.  We use HOLMESTM, our AI platform, to develop intelligent and context aware enterprise solutions for agile, efficient and automated business processes along with technologies like NLP, machine learning, deep learning and knowledge extraction. CSPs use these to improve Field Assist and Partner Assist capabilities, optimize Contract Management and eKYC processes, reduce network down time through predictive fault management, deploy AR in field management, and exceed customer expectation through persona-based customer experience management. Clients using our AI platforms and automation technologies gain, among other things, a 30-50% productivity improvement in eKYC cycles with 35% cost takeout and a  90% improvement in accuracy of resolution of business services.