Our Expertise

Transform to stay relevant and grow in a digital and connected world

Wipro’s Digital Enterprise offering helps CSPs improve customer experience and time-to-market by embracing ‘new ways of working’ and ‘latest technologies’ and by leveraging agile and DevOps processes, digital architecture and new sourcing models like crowdsourcing.

Wipro’s ‘CAUSE’ framework addresses the needs of enterprises to enable new operating models and business processes. We offer ‘New way of working’ delivery model with well-established digital toolset called ‘Digital Rig’ for accelerated digital Innovation, delivery and prototyping. We also provide $100 Mn fund to invest in early and mid-stage start-up businesses driving new solutions in IoT, Blockchain, AI, DevOps and Network Security. Wipro’s market-leading crowdsourcing platform - Topcoder, offers over 1Mn designers, developers and data scientists. Beyond this, we have an ecosystem of 500 startups as well as universities.

What We Think

The Digital Dilemma: Telecoms firms prepare for the future

Be always-on, always-available


Telecom Digital Transformation | Telecom Transformation

Ticket to differentiation and customer delight.