Cloud continues to be the primary transformational platform for the enterprise, empowering organizations to innovate and stay competitive.

"The Pulse of Cloud," presented by Wipro FullStride Cloud, is a quarterly survey series that delves into the current state of cloud adoption and digital transformation strategies. Each edition features insights on business technology topics that matter most to global enterprise executives.

The Wipro FullStride Cloud Pulse of Cloud: Q1 2024 insights are drawn from a survey of over 500 business leaders in US and Europe across sectors to offer a detailed look at the latest trends and how companies are navigating the dynamic landscape of cloud computing and artificial intelligence.

Below are some findings from our first report:

  • Cloud investment is increasing
  • Cloud adoption remains higher than AI adoption
  • AI/GenAI is driving cloud investment
  • Hybrid cloud is dominant
  • Focus on cloud cost management is strong
  • Interest in unified cloud cost management is growing

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