Cloud continues to be the foundational transformation platform for organizations that want to be industry leaders and adopt the most impactful emerging tech. Jo Debecker, Managing Partner and Global Head of Wipro FullStride Cloud, outlines the six trends that shall shape the future of cloud and set the stage for business transformation and innovation.

Some key excerpts include:

  • Multi-cloud and hybrid cloud models are increasingly becoming critical for organizations.
  • “Interactive AI” is set to lead a customer service revolution.
  • Sustainability is becoming a prime focus in every industry, including cloud computing.
  • CFOs and COOs are integral to steering the cloud consumption narrative, instilling a cost-conscious yet value-driven approach to cloud adoption.
  • Industry cloud is expected to revolutionize technology within industries like healthcare and finance.
  • Edge computing is undergoing a renaissance, leveraging the economies of scale inherent in cloud infrastructure.

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