To promote transparency in securities transactions, EU regulators in the securities market formulated a set of rules for the market participants. The Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) aims to establish a new standard for trading and reporting that will create uniformity and increase security throughout the exchange process.
This new reporting format requires comprehensive SFT details. Entities must now report all securities financing transactions to a TR. To meet these new standards, many firms will need to alter their systems and upgrade the reporting infrastructure.
Firms are also likely to face significant challenges obtaining and managing the required data. To meet SFTR reporting obligations, entities need to adopt solutions capable of meeting their changing needs while simultaneously keeping up with requirements set by authorities and stakeholders. Identifying the best solution for your firm, and implementing it quickly with minimal disruptions, is essential.
With a global team of consultants experienced in implementing regulatory reporting and collateral management systems, Wipro makes it easier for market participants to adapt their reporting to comply with changing regulations.
Our strategic partnerships with leading market providers, and expertise as a system integrator, enable us to provide comprehensive, end-to-end solutions — from transaction reporting and disclosure obligations to collateral re-use — that increase value, security, and compliance.