In the realm of field services, challenges are on the rise, but so are the opportunities for transformation. Discover how Wipro, in partnership with ServiceNow, can help you navigate these challenges efficiently and seamlessly:

Our Vision

Upskill Your Workforce

Bridge the expertise gap by fostering knowledge sharing, enabling remote support and empowering on-site technicians with interactive 3D augmented reality (AR) models.

Proactively Detect and Resolve Issues

Harness the power of IoT sensors to schedule timely repairs, diagnose problems remotely and optimize field worker efficiency.

Improve Efficiency

Enable self-service for end-users, streamline processes and increase first-visit resolutions though the use of Augmented Reality.

Wipro, in collaboration with ServiceNow, offers a comprehensive suite of field service solutions, including:

  • Frictionless Service 
  • Work Planning and Scheduling
  • Resource Management
  • Job Execution
  • Data Insights
Wipro FieldX

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