Organizations aiming to propel growth, foster innovation, and enhance operational efficiency must unlock the true potential of their data assets. Today, fostering a data-driven culture is critical.

Wipro’s Business Analytics group stands as a catalyst in this transformation, homing in on business analytics across various facets within your organization, including processes, functions, and lines of businesses. With analytics and AI at the core, we seamlessly integrate domain expertise with cutting-edge technologies, providing invaluable insights that transcend traditional boundaries.

Wipro’s Unique Approach

At the heart of our success is a highly effective 3-in-a-box model that seamlessly integrates our Advisory, Practice, and Solutioning teams. Drawing on the collective expertise of our domain specialists in the Advisory team, we initiate discussions and collaborate with our Practice Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and Solution SMEs to brainstorm and formulate effective Go-To-Market (GTM) strategies.

This unique model enables us to maintain a robust focus on four key industries - BFSI, RCTG, HMD, and LS - while also addressing three crucial cross-industry themes - Marketing, Supply Chain, and ESG. By combining the strengths of these teams and aligning them with targeted industries and themes, we ensure a dynamic and comprehensive approach to meet our clients' diverse needs. At Wipro, we don't just analyze data; we transform it into actionable insights that drive success.

Our Offerings

Line of Business Analytics

Uncover insights specific to each line of business (LOB) with tailored analysis empowering individual LOBs to make data-driven decisions and optimize performance.

Cross-functional Analytics

By breaking down data silos, we offer a holistic view that empowers decision-makers such as CXOs with meaningful insights and comprehensive information.

Process Analytics

Leverage data, analytics, and AI for process optimization, enhanced efficiency and informed choices to harness valuable insights for operational excellence.

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