Wipro Rated as a Leader and Star Performer in Everest Group’s Digital Workplace Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2020

Everest Group

Everest Group evaluated and featured 23 leading IT service providers on the digital workplace services PEAK matrix based on criteria such as digital workplace services vision & strategy, scope of services offered, innovations & investments, and delivery capabilities. The PEAK matrix is a framework that provides an objective, data driven, and comparative assessment of digital workplace service providers based on their absolute market success and delivery capability

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Wipro positioned as a ‘Leader’ in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Testing Services, Worldwide 2020


Gartner has released its Magic Quadrant for Application Testing Services, Worldwide 2020 report, positioning Wipro as a “Leader” for the seventh consecutive year.

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Wipro named a “Leader” in IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Managed Security Services 2020 Vendor Assessment


Wipro emerged as a leader in the IDC MarketScape for worldwide-managed security services (MSS) 2020 vendor assessment. The customer feedback confirmed that Wipro delivered a strong, outcome-driven technical team. Wipro proactively supports its clients by staying up-to-date with various tools, techniques, and procedures (TTP) attackers utilize. The organization differentiates itself by providing these threat intelligence feeds to all of its MSS clients.

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Wipro rated as a Leader in IT Security Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2020

Everest Group

This report analyzes the changing dynamics of the IT Security services landscape and assesses 22 service providers across several key dimensions.

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Wipro is rated as a Leader in ISG Provider Lens™


The 2020 ISG Provider Lens™ Microsoft Ecosystem Partners Report for the U.S. evaluates the capabilities of 40 providers across four quadrants: Managed Service Provider for Azure, Office 365 Integration, SAP on Azure, and SharePoint Integration. Wipro is rated as a Leader across four quadrants.

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Wipro Positioned as a Leader in Everest Groups Cloud-Native Application Development Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2020

Everest Group

This report examines the dynamics of the global cloud-native application development service provider landscape. Wipro emerged as a Leader among 21 leading cloud-native application development service providers.

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Wipro Positioned as a 'Leader' by Everest in System Integrator (SI) Capabilities on Microsoft Azure PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2021

Everest Group

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Wipro positioned as 'leader' in IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Managed Cloud Services 2019 Vendor Assessment


Using the IDC MarketScape model, IDC compared 10 service providers that provide managed cloud services (MCS).

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Wipro positioned as a 'Leader' in Everest ‘System Integrator (SI) Capabilities on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2021’

Everest Group

The report analyzed 18 GCP cloud system integrators and benchmarked them against the key parameters including market adoption, portfolio mix, value delivered, vision and strategy, scope of services offered, innovation & investments, and delivery footprint.

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