I am a proud mother of 6 children, and I have been married for 18 years. We are faithful Christians in our family. We are not faithful to a religion but faithful in encouraging our children to create their own relationship with God. Encouraging them to allow Him into their hearts. We have a church that we faithfully attend for over 18 years. As parents, one knows that raising children is an adventure.

One December, my middle daughter, at the age of 18 years old, revealed to me on her birthday that she was bi-sexual. I was shocked and confused. I was shocked as I did not expect this kind of news at the dinner table, and I was confused because I wanted to know why she waited so long to tell me.

Based on my facial response she was not happy. My response was “Okay, why did you choose to tell me now in front of your little sisters?” She immediately became defensive and said, “My sisters accept me for who I am, and they have known for a while!” I said “Okay, I am happy they accept you. I accept you as well. However, I have questions and would like to talk to you privately.”

My conversation with my middle daughter began with “I love you and I do not care about your sexuality. My concern is that you waited so long, and it seems like I was the last to find out. All I will say is that I want you to be happy and safe. No matter what your sexual orientation is or how you identify, I want you to know that these are my main concerns for you. I want the person you are with to treat you

Parenting with Open Hearts: Embracing Diversity and Unconditional Love

Blog author and her daughter

with love, respect, and care. I want you to have the same for that person as well. Overall, I just want you to have a healthy relationship.”

She seemed relieved. She said to me “I thought you would hate me or not speak to me.” I responded “I would never do that because of what you shared. I truly just want you to be happy, sweetie.” We hugged and embraced. Our relationship is not solely focused on the fact that she is part of the LGBTQIA + community. It is focused on her goals, what her interests are, and the type of individual she is attracted to and wants in her life.

I am happy that she told me the truth, because this then allowed my youngest to tell me her truth and she was pleasantly surprised that I was not swayed in any way and love her for who she is.

My daughters teach me everyday how to be an ally and how to learn about who they are as individuals. I have learned that individuals from the LGBTQIA+ community are creative,

determined, loving, innovative, fashionable, fun, and most of all unique. I am happy to say I am a proud parent of 6 children, regardless of how they identify themselves. I am learning that being an ally means being open to learning and most of all acceptance. 

About the Author

Yolanda Hunte (She • Her • Hers)
Practice Administrator, NYC, USA